Best Skin Permanent Makeup
Latest Skin Care technologies
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Skin Deep Spa Wisconsin
Best Massage Therapies and Facials in Wisconsin
28+ Years Experience with Permanent Makeup - Ask about our Training Courses
If you are looking for Skin care treatment, a facial, or just want to relax by getting a body massage during the weekend then visit then Skin Deep Spa in Brookfield, WI.
We are known for our relaxing body massage therapies and latest skin care facials combined with our expertise that takes wellness and skin care to the next level. We are extremely affordable yet we do not compromise on quality because spreading wellness is our mission.
Try one of our Anti Aging Facial or Skin deep clean facial to understand the level of our skin care services. A skin deep express facial will cost you just $65.
Get the best Facials and Body Massage therapies in Brookfield, WI
Skin Care Facials $85.00
Skin Deep SPA Brookfield, Wisconsin offers the latest skin care facials and chemicals peels in Wisconsin. Our Expert Skin Care Specialists.
Body Massage Therapies $85.00
Massage Therapy delivers stress relieving, body revitalizing components. A variety of different techniques to fit your specific care are available.
Permanent Makeup
Permanent makeup is a cosmetic procedure which results in the permanent pigmentation of the dermis layer of the skin.
soft wave UL Therapy
we have also added 2 new services one is soft wave UL Therapy Sofwave is a noninvasive, FDA-cleared treatment for fine lines and wrinkles. It uses high-intensity fractional ultrasound to heat the tissue in the mid-dermis (the lower layers of skin), triggering the body’s healing response and stimulating new collagen production. Most people need only a single treatment session to see results. Call for a consultation
Radio Frequency Micro Needling
We also now have Radio Frequency Micro-Needling. This of Micro- needling that's super charged clients generally only need 1 -3 treatments Very little down time and you can feel an immediate tightening of the skin and the skin pulling back up on it's self This is recommended for anyone over 30 the cost is $400 per treatment or 3 treatments for $1000.
Here are the packages that we offer and they all include refreshments.
Financing Available
Permanent Eyebrows$550.00
Permanent Eyeliner $550.00
Permanent Lip Liner$550.00
Permanent Full Lips $600.00
Micro Blading$550.00
Factor 5 Skin Care
HIFU skin tightening
Expert therapists and technicians at your service
Cindi Wendlantd
Founder & Therapist
With over 25 years of experience, Cindi has mastered the art of Permanent Cosmetics and beauty..
Tammy F.
Nurse Injector
Tammy is our nurse injector and is simply wonderful to work with. Besides being very...
Andree J.
Hair Stylist
Andree comes to us from Michigan, and has lived in Wisconsin for several years. As...
Viki P.
Viki has been performing permanent make up for the past 4 years. Her favorite...
Monthly Special
Receive a kit with all the supplies and everything you need with our Permanent Makeup Training. Learn how to create beautiful brows, eyeliner, lips and microblade. Call us today for more information!